21 JULY 1916 - 11 NOVEMBER 1918

Nominal Roll of Officers and other ranks joining the New Zealand Cyclist Corps as reinforcements from 21 July 1916 to 11 November 1918 - Armistice Day.

W - Wounded, 2W - Twice wounded, DOW - Died of Wounds, DOS - Died of sickness, KIA - Killed in Action.

24839 Private ADAMS Carrol Thomas
39647 Private ADAMS George W
26760 Private ADAMS Percy W
14362 Private ADAMS William Roy
40274 Private ADBDALLAH Harry Amien
16149 Private ALEXANDER Joseph
10/3169 Private ANNAN William George F
25/1207 Private ANTUNOVICH Ivan Michael
10290 Private APPERLEY Leonard Percival
24808 Private ASHBY William Thomas
53495 Private ASKEY John Waldram W
47696 Private BAIN John James
10/2844 Private BAINES Harold Onslow
30336 Private BAKER Cyril Arnold
45181 Private BAKER Frederick KIA
24844 Private BAKER George Bartrum W
25436 Private BALKS Alfred James
30508 Private BANKS George
20952 Private BARLOW Frank
26/657 Private BARNES John Samuel Gill
26/1055 Private BARRETT Leonard John
17876 Private BARTON-BROWNE Gilbert Humphrey
14921 Private BARWELL Arthur Edward W
5/872 Private BARWICK Harry
26236 Private BATE Joseph William
55399 Private BEAL Arthur Thomas
27438 Private BEATTY Bertie
12/2948 Private BEGOVICH Steve W
28958 Private BENNETT Ernest
25/593 Private BENNETT Henry Alfred
23/1554 Private BENNETT Reginald George
12972 Private BEST Hubert Clement W
9/1382 Private BEVAN Joseph
22594 Private BICKNELL Oscar William W
25188 Private BIDGOOD Ernest
53120 Private BINNEY Thomas Leslie
24831 Private BIRCHAM Stanley Ernest
10/2863 Private BLAIR John William
4/150a 2/Lieutenant BLOMFIELD Edwin Hoffmann
24/1341 Private BLYDE John Newton W
3/2368 Private BOLTON Frederick George W
16465 Private BOND William Thomas Nation 2W
5/277 Private BOOCOCK Frederick Arthur W
24270 Private BOON William James
20087 Private BOOTH Esric Leon (sic)
26243 Private BOOTH Walter
46164 Private BORCK Charles Horace
5/874 Private BOWLER George William 2W
33821 Private BRADY Frederick Drummond
20291 Private BRIDGEMAN Norman
65336 Private BRIGHT Albert James
10/2533 Private BRIGHTWELL Frank
35142 Private BROOKES Harry Gasson
41716 Private BROSNAHAN Patrick John
20825 Private BROTT Abraham
24485 Private BROWN Evelyn James William KIA
59312 Private BROWN Frederick
11/1414 Private BROWN John Andrew
12/3569 L/Corporal BROWN William George F W
13660 Private BROWNE Stanley Horby
42465 Private BRYCE William
10/3202 Private BUHLMAN John
22595 Private BURCH Basil Leonard
24854 Private BURD John Marsh
27160 Private BURROWES William KIA
24518 Private BURTON Edgar James
36850 Private BUTLER George Alexander
25/90 Private BUTLER James
3/1381 Private BYRON Arthur Joseph William
10773 Private CAIRNS Ronald James KIA
28098 Private CANTWELL Herbert Haslem
6/4591 Private CAPON William James
29217 Private CATE Herbert Charles
33691 L/Corporal CATLEY George
12/324 Private CAVENETT William George
24878 Private CHAMBERLAIN Eric W
12/329 Private CHANDLER Percival Harry
28086 Private CHAPMAN George
33300 Private CHAPPELL Charles Edward Gibson
10440 Private CHESHIRE William George
22775 Private CHRISTENSEN Hans Henry
19117 Private CHRISTIAN Sidney Hubert W
23/709 Private CHURCHHOUSE Henry
16155 Private CLARK Albert Edward
17696 Private CLARK James McLean
13515 Private CLARK Robert
36718 Private CLARK Godfrey Leonard W
9/366 Private CLARKE John Stanley DOW
23/2552 Private CLAYDON Charles
25/855 Private CLEMENTS Edward Robert
10/322 Private CLOSE Albert Arthur W
12/2175 Private COCHRANE William
28617 2/Lieutenant CODY Douglas Goodall
44898 Private COLEMAN Charles Christopher
37774 Private COLEMAN Reginald James W
46979 Private COLLINSON Albert James
18199 Private CONNELL Thomas Dermott
25814 Private COOK Harry
31600 Private COOK Reginald William
28981 Private COOKE Garnet Wolseley W
12979 Private COUGHLIN John
22946 Private CROPLEY Harry W
10125 Private CURRIE William Galt
10110 Private CURTIS Ronald Henry KIA
5/705a Private CURTIS Stanley Arrow W
45085 Private DABINETT Gordon
10/2574 Private DALE John Leonard
24/732 Private DARBY Edwin Gilbert
29154 Private DASHWOOD William John Henry
10168 L/Corporal DASS Clarence Everett Harold
45486 Private DAVIDSON Cecil Archer Lawrence
7/1606 L/Corporal DAVIDSON John Havelock
16481 Private DAVIS William
28692 Private DEAN Charles John
21568 Private DEARY John
31236 Private DEATH Norman George Alexander
18632 Private DENHAM George
40670 Private DICKESON Clifford George W
24/2128 2/Lieutenant DICKESON Colin Addison KIA
46878 Private DOIDGE Oliver Joseph
12360 Private DONALDSON Edward
28113 Private DONALDSON John Davidson W
25479 Private DORNAUF Albert John
52171 Private DOUGLAS George Alexander
17881 Private DRUCE Arthur W
62942 Private DUGGAN John Andrew
21667 Private DUNNETT James
6/3003 Private DUNNILL Albert Victor W
34342 Private DUNWOODIE James Loudon
24/1976 Private EDE Alfred James W
14084 Private EDGAR William
23363 Private EDWARDS Sidney
12/3629 Private EGAN George
45254 Private EGAN Patrick
59342 Private EGGINTON Nelson Alexander W
25/538 Private ELLENBERGER David DOW
27079 Private ELLIOTT Robert Earnest
10726 Private ELLISON Thomas Herbert W
10/3254 Private ELVINES Albert Leslie
5/583 2/Lieutenant EVANS Dudley Hampton
5/230a 2/Lieutenant EWEN J F W
12/1087 Private FAGAN J A
8/824 L/Corporal FAULKNER John W
8/3257 Private FERGUSON John Albert W
27162 Private FERGUSON Thomas Samuel W
13746 Private FERNANDEZ Robert Aubrey
11643 Private FINLAY Samuel
12/2696 Private FISHER James Harold
25/624 Private FISHER Orr KIA
24/1657 Private FITZGERALD Ralph
30781 Private FLAVELL Ernest Edward
16214 L/Corporal FOOTE Raymond Andrew DOW
8/2911 Private FORRESTER John W
24841 Private FORSYTH William John
6/2128 Private FOSTER Alfred George
3/3491 Private FRANCIS Robert Searson Rodney
52981 Private FREDERICK Sydney Frank
12/4176 Private FURBER Patrick
57151 Private GAILER Ernest Alfred W
9/1682 Private GALLAGHER Daniel
28126 Private GALLAGHER Henry
36966 Private GALLAGHER Michael Charles
12/2705 Private GALVIN Cecil W
6/4578 2/Lieutenant GARDEN Robert Leslie
10/1491 Private GARDNER Herbert 2W
17887 Private GARLICK Carrington W
11/1317 Private GEE Richard
10978 Private GERARD Colin
34356 Private GIBSON Frederick Hugh W
40312 Private GIFFORD Roy Henry W
11646 Private GILKES George W
25/1734 Private GILLISPIE James
39984 Private GLENN Alexander
25/1126 Private GOLD Albert KIA
16197 Private GREEN Michael John
38379 Private GREEN William Thomas
12328 2/Lieutenant GREVILLE Reginald Henry W
11583 2/Lieutenant GRIFFITH Donald Clive KIA
24834 Private GRIFFITHS Victor Emmanuel W
27165 Private GRIGG Norman Charles William W
11652 Private GUY Arthur Lawrence
26832 Private HADDEN George
10342 Private HAGAN Charles W
10718 Private HAIGH Walter W
10/3892 Private HALL Herbert Charles W
23/1652 Private HALL Jack Emile
31264 Private HALLIGAN William John
31638 Private HAMPSON William Theodore
16164 Private HANLEN William
10/2629 Private HANNAM Frank DOW
12/1652 Private HARDING Hilton Clive W
22982 Private HARDING Thomas Reuben
23/1066 Private HARDWICK William Rodgers W
36611 Private HARLIWICH George Sydney Edward
25239 Private HARRIS Cyril Vincent W
47138 Private HARRISON Dudley Edward W
13016 Private HARSTON James Frierson KIA
34067 Private HARVEY Hedley George
12/2321 Private HASTINGS William Charles
21831 Private HAWKE Alfred James
13440 Private HAYES Archie Eddie
13018 Private HAYES William Augustus W
38538 Private HENDERSON James Alexander
13/2446 Private HENRY Arthur William W
10/1523 Private HEWETT Horace Ernest
12/3677 Private HEWITT Frederick W
22438 2/Lieutenant HIGHET Henry Ashton
58876 Private HOATTEN Frederick Albin Victor
24/799 Private HODGES Frederick
5/29 Private HODSON Victor Emanuel KIA
13441 Private HOGG Charles Henry
12/4193 Private HOLDEN Albert Edward
10348 L/Corporal HOLT John Wilfred W
28143 Private HOOPER Joseph William
21686 Private HOUNSELL George Edward
24832 Private HOWELL Thomas Reginald
40952 Private HUBBARD Edward
28137 Private HUCKLE Harry
56768 Private HUGHES Albert John
25243 Private HUGHES Arthur James
10/4463 Corporal HUNTER Andrew
25525 Private HUNWICK Charles Edward
45034 Private HURST Sidney W
29875 Private HUTCHINSON W G
33370 Private IRWIN Hugh W
21584 Private ISHERWOOD Frederick W
12/1682 L/Corporal JAMIESON Walter
11396 Private JEPSON Cecil John
13447 Private JOBSON William Blair W
26111 Private JOHNSON Albert Frederick
59654 Private JOHNSON Henry Joseph KIA
30597 Private JOHNSON John
10/3613 Private JOHNSON Maurice
20358 Private JOHNSON Robert W
51849 Private JOHNSON William W
17/362 Private JOHNSTON Robert
9/1576 Private JONES Alfred Edwin
11833 L/Corporal JONES C H
10/3310 Private JONES Charles Edmund
25536 Private JONES Edward Allan
11047 Private JONES Norman Llewellyn
24/1703 L/Corporal KEMSLEY Ernest W
12202 Private KENNEDY John Thomas
25/770 Private KENYON Harry W
31858 Private KILSBY Stanley Vincent
37825 Private KING Edward Frank W
16170 Private KING Frederick Thomas Linton W
6/1089 Private KIRK James Graham W
38546 Private KNOX Alexander Donald W
10/2994 Corporal LARKIN Ernest Archibald 2W
14648 Private LARSEN Alfred
26861 Private LAURIE Frank Noel
12213 Private LAWS Charles Read
25/1775 Private LEVET Charles Victor W
28165 Private LEWIS Eric Albert
13/3129 Private LINDSAY Henry John KIA
53037 Private LLOYD Cyril Herbert
32524 L/Corporal LORIMER George
11/2642 Private LUMSDEN John Stanley W
8/3324 Private LYNDON Ernest Albert
11495 Private MACKINSON Albert Edward
10/3639 Private MAITLAND John Mackie
6/1923 Private MANN James
9/1895 Private MARKS Frederick William
17894 Private MARTIN Leslie DOW
13454 Private MATHEWS Alfred Forde
22632 Private MATTHEWS Cyril Douglas
22596 Private MAXTON Charles Walter W
20815 Private MAXWELL Hamilton
34397 Private MAY Norman Aldborough
7/979 Corporal McAULEY Frederick Henry
14840 Private McCULLAGH Andrew
19026 Private McCUTCHEON Andrew John
24193 Private McDONALD Thomas William W
57239 Private McDOWALL Stanley
56333 Private McGORMAN Edward Richie
6/2985 Private McGREGOR W
25/4 Captain McHUGH Henry Dolphus
9/1466 Private McINTOSH Alexander
26/598 Private McKAY Albert James
47636 Private McKENNA Patrick Joseph W
11705 Private McKENZIE Kenneth Charleston
49197 Private McKINLAY John Buchanan W
13433 Private McLACHLAN G P W
14844 Private McLAREN Charles Daniel W
10047 Private McLAUGHLIN Albert James KIA
6/690 Private McLEAN Charles
51865 Private McLEOD Alemeda Rohillia KIA
24/508 L/Corporal McNAUGHTON Walter Gordon
47355 Private McNAUL Daniel
10/2698 Private McWHITTER Gerald William Andrew
52242 Private MEACHAM William
2/1368 Private MERCER Harold Stanley
11070 Private MERCER John Cecil W
12230 Private METCALF Herbert Henry W
12340 Private MILLS H
28511 Private MILLS Henry KIA
9/1585 Private MONK Henry Edmond W
11898 L/Corporal MONTGOMERY Edmund
61707 Private MOORE Leonard George
25725 Private MORGAN Frederick Llewellyn
26/366 Private MORONEY Michael Patrick W
13057 L/Corporal MOURIE Frederick
12226 Private MOYNIHAN Thomas
17090 Private MUDIE Peter William DOW
24/2043 Private MULCAHY David KIA
5/1886a Private MULLIS William Walter
12242 Private NEWBERRY James
18891 Private NEWMAN Leonard Arthur KIA
24920 Private NEWTON John William W
12/817 2/Lieutenant NICHOLSON Eustace Charles Edward
6/697 Private NIMMO Thomas
25295 Private OBERG James Albert
47177 Private O'CONNELL Bartholomew
27945 Private O'CONNELL Standish Richard
33054 Private OGILVIE George Edward
20405 Private OGLE Musgrave
15311 Private OLIVER Arthur Maxwell W
26308 Private OLIVER William Roland
53397 Private ORMAND William Andrew W
21881 Private O'ROURKE Denis Joseph W
3/1874 Private OWEN Thomas Edward W
12463 Private PADDISON Herbert
10/3693 Corporal PAGET George Edwin
8/4200 Private PAHI Herbert
36664 Private PARK James Glendenning
22082 Corporal PEARSON Launcelot Robert
10/4169 Private PEDERSEN Neil Christian W
25/456 Private PERRY Albert J KIA
24/659 Private PERRY Livingstone
26312 Private PETTERSON Hugh Percival Graham
34724 Private PHILIP Ernest Holman 2W
25308 Private PHILLIPS George Herbert
18072 Private PITKETHLEY Norman
8/3041 Private PORTER John
44310 Private POTTER James Thomas
26/1099 Private POTTER William DOW
6/4128 Private PREBBLE Frank William
6/3837 Private PREBBLE Henry Francis W
10051 Private PRENDEVILLE Michael
12/2088 Private PRICE Alfred W
17/310 Private PRITCHARD John Arthur W
10/4157 Private QUARRIE F
12/3134 Private QUARRIE Leslie W
25590 Private RABY George Seymour
29077 Private RADCLIFFE Charles Edward
18583 2/Lieutenant RANDELL William Edgar W
12/4129 Private RATTRAY S
28211 Private READ Robert Henry
34430 Private REGAN Raymond John
8/2706 Private REID Frank Wells
24402 Sergeant REID Robert Clarence
35220 Private REIDY Peter
26316 Private REILLY Hugh Thomas W
23/576 Private RELPH Eric Albert
9/1392 2/Lieutenant RICHARDS Albert Henry W
23/1792 Private RIDLING Malcolm Leslie
24492 Private ROBERTSON Oliver
51071 Private ROLLS Henry
24928 Private ROSSBOTHAM Kearian Robert W
29193 Private ROUNTREE Henry Bennett W
32540 2/Lieutenant ROWLAND Albert Edward McKay KIA
9/1485 Private ROWLANDS Leonard Ernest
9/1613 Private RYAN Thomas
16980 Private SABINE Thomas Arthur
26/1714 Private SAIES James
14873 Private SARGENT Walter Ernest W
26/293 Private SCHRODER Adolph
47686 Private SCOTT Stanley Charles W
20246 Private SEAL Harry
23/2587 Private SHAND William Lindsay W
40649 Private SHARP Matthew
3/1722 Private SHARPE Frederick James
16006 Private SHAW James Wilfred
6/4351 Private SHAW John
32076 Private SHAW William Forster
27618 Private SHEPHERD John
11/2226 Private SHEWRY David Joseph DOW
58932 Private SHIRRES Leslie Emile
10/2763 Private SIMMISS Frank Alfred DOW
10/1984 Private SIMMONS William Collin
12/2469 Private SIMONS Charles Berry W
32401 Private SINCOCK Harry
13/3078 Private SING Arthur
31442 Private SKELLEY Alfred Leonard
22459 Private SKUDDER Stanley Benjamin W
8/3072 Corporal SLAUGHTER Robert James
23262 Private SLEATH Albert Andrew
13612 Private SLUCE Daniel
13502(11125) Private SLY Lindsay William W
30412 Private SMITH Allison
13120 Private SMITH Arthur Egmont KIA
52477 Private SMITH Edgar Hardwick
10391 Private SMITH Frederick
46397 Private SMITH Frederick William Thomas KIA
34445 Private SMITH Ira George
29503 Corporal SMITH Percival John
13532 Private SORENSON Walter W
11962 Private SOUTHWOOD James Benjamin
13533 Private SPEAR John Forrest 2W, DOW
10085 Private SPENCER William Charles
26/210 Private SPICER Leonard William W
25/1022 Private SPILLANE George Joseph Daniel W
23/1478 Corporal SPRINGER George Charles W
10/3745 Private SPRINGER Harold William W
21617 Private STANLEY George Alexander W
31367 Private STEMP Henry Louis W
23916 Private STEMSON-MERRITT James
39346 Private STEWART Donald Allan
5/355 Private STOCK Louis Noel W
16007 Private STOKES Albert DOW
12/452 Private STONNELL Harry Harrison
14695 Private STORM Lancelot Conrad
18868 Private STRETTON Cecil Weston
26/1723 Private STRETTON Lionel
8/3772 Private STRODE William Edward
9/570 Private STUART William W
23893 Private STUART William George
23/1206 Corporal SUTHERLAND Frederick Alexander
31368 Private SYMONS Ernest
30662 Private TAINE Roy Victor
20581 Private TALLKE Ralph
14697 Private TANNER Lewis John
12/2486 Private TAYLOR John Frederick
16009 Private TAYLOR Richard W
22292 Private TAYLOR Thomas Joseph Bates
10/4008 Private THACKER John DOW
11977 Private THOMAS Cyril Henry
23899 Private THOMAS Leonard George W
24/1499 Private THOMPSON Edmund Duncombe
25616 Private THOMPSON George
26/1050 Private THOMPSON Joseph
15850 Private THOMSON William Brown W
24833 Private THORBURN Thomas
31910 Private THORPE James Henry
10406 Private THOUMINE Leonard Stuart
9/2133 Corporal TITTERTON Charles W
12/3847 Private TOLE Harry
24081 Private TOPPS William Edward
4/1641 Private TWIGGER Thomas W
6/2785 Private TWIZELL Joseph
10/2785 Private TWOMEY Henry John
16014 Private VAUSE Albert George Victor
12/3851 Private VEGAR Thomas W
47486 Private VENNELL Claud W
12/2141 Private VERNER John Edmund
21622 Private VICTOR William
14702 Private VOLD Peter Nielsen
16003 Private WALKER E L 2W
6/3192 Private WALKER Hector Ernest 2W
29519 Private WALKER Joseph Moody
10/4497 Private WALKER Robert Thomas
46504 Private WALKER Roy Douglas KIA
1/506 Private WALKER Thomas Wilson W
23459 Private WARDEN Andrew Lyall
8/959 Corporal WARREN Sidney
23/1865 Private WATERS James W
10184 Private WATKINSON Harold W
4/1964 Private WATSON James
14342 Private WATTS Thomas
7/2176 L/Corporal WATTS Vernon Ashley W
5/903 Private WAWMAN Edward W
8/2756 Private WEBB Arthur Richard
16031 Private WEBBER George Thomas
24837 Private WEBSTER William
30679 Corporal WELSH James Alexander
28248 Private WEMYSS Colin Roland
10/752 Private WEST Alfred
24946 Private WESTON Ivan Wingate
12660 Private WHITE Albon Vincent W
13157 Private WHITE Henry W
30680 Private WHITE Lionel Gordon W
10/1700 Private WHITING William Henry W
23/830 Private WHITMORE C
12/4118 Private WILES Robert Arthur
24/1864 Private WILLIAMS Henry Richard DOW
10/1102 Private WILLIAMS Herbert 2W
11/2383 Private WILLIAMS John Henry
25627 Private WILLIAMS William Edmond
15826 Private WILLS Sydney Fletcher
13382 Private WILSON David Nigel Argyle W
26357 Private WIN Dudley William
21389 Private WINKIE Joseph
10/3438 Private WOODHAM Sidney
24264 Private WOOLLEY David Samuel
18519 Private WRIGHT Albert W
41698 Private WRIGHT Wilfred Oscar
25631 Private WYLIE Frederick John Alexander DOW
10/3796 2/Lieutenant WYLIE Leslie Turner W
26/651 2/Lieutenant YORK William Henry W
23/1250 Private YOUNG Lawrence Lloyd

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